My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I've had almost no experience in building robotics development before reading Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects because I was thinking that it costs a lot to pay for a computer or server, hardware components, and text book. However, I found it wrong after buying Raspberry Pi and this book.
I am totally new with robotoics development, but I did enjoy reading this book because I found that I can learn how to develop it quickly by following several small projects with Raspberry Pi, open source software, and some hardware stuff which I should by on Amazon.
There are some who feel it too easy and light for each projects, but I believe that this book is also fun to just read to learn about how hardware components work with programming by paying just $14 (kindle edition).
Lastly, this is quick review of each chapter.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
I love the pictures of Raspberry Pi, hardware components and the explanation for each component.
Installation guide is also nice with several picutres for beginners.
Chapter 2: Programming Raspberry Pi
If you are not new with programming, you can skip this chapter.
Practical robotics development begins the chapters below.
What I love most is the pictures of the hardware components such as a USB camera, wheels, a speaker, and completed version because it helps us understand how it works and is build at last.
Chapter 4: Adding Vision to Raspberry Pi
Chapter 5: Creating Mobile Robots on Wheels
Chapter 6: Making the Unit Very Mobile Controlling the Movement of a Robot with Legs
Chapter 7: Avoiding Obstacles Using Sensors
Chapter 8: Going Truly Mobile The Remote Control of Your Robot
Chapter 9: Using a GPS Receiver to Locate Your Robot
Chapter 10: System Dynamics
Chapter 11: By Land, Sea, and Air
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Next, I need to purchase hardware components to achieve some of the robotics deployment in the book..